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Arnolds Park Amusement Park

Arnolds Park Amusement Park in Arnolds Park

Having lived in Okoboji all my life, there are a wealth of memories of Arnolds Park. I, like many of the locals, miss the nostalgia of the old Roof Garden, the fun house, the water slide and much, much more. With time comes change, and the amusement park continues to reinvent itself. Currently with over 20 rides to choose from, the family is sure to have a good time. The main attraction, The Legend Roller Coaster, is the 7th oldest coaster in the United States and apparently the 13th oldest in the world. Reaching speeds of up to 50 mph, the roller coaster has undergone substantial renovations in the last year. In front of the amusement park on West Lake is the Queen II excursion boat, and Pirate Jacks Bar. The sunsets here are unparalleled. If you have a chance to visit, make sure to check out the tipsy house, the three sons, and all of the shops. Just to the east is the green space, which provides great entertainment and in 2013 OAR came to play, which is a pretty big name for Okoboji.

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in Arnolds Park

Big Acai Bowls Okoboji

Big Acai Bowls Okoboji in Arnolds Park

For Okoboji's superfood Big Acai Bowl Okoboji, located in the Central Emporium is a perfect spot for a healthy breakfast or a snack. Acai (pronounced ah-sah-hee) is a berry extract from acai palm tree found in the rainforests of Central and South America. The acai berries have a slightly sweet favor often compared too blueberries paired with very dark chocolate. This is a must stop for a healthy treat for the whole family that has many health benefits including healthy fats, fiber, magnesium, calcium with very low natural sugar. This natural food is a must try!

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in Arnolds Park

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