Why Use a Realtor

Why would I want to pay a Realtor to sell my home?


Folks, you wouldn't be human if you didn't have this thought.  Everyone who has bought a home, invested in real estate, or sold a home has thought at least once, "this isn't so hard...I can do this."  However, there are more horror stories than sweet dreams when doing it on your own.  It kind of reminds you of those Holiday Inn Express commercials...you know the ones...the guy is performing surgery and exclaims "I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!".  Well the same holds true for Real Estate.  Not only do you not receive the exposure and marketing, there are many legal pitfalls that consumers simply don't know about that could cost you huge dollars.  The ramifications of forgetting this or not doing that are huge, and you do not want that liability.  You definately want to leave it to the professionals.  If the liability weren't enough, the very best reason to use a Realtor is the exposure.  You will undoubtedly be able to get more $$ for your home because of the simple theory of supply and demand.  The more buyers you have to look at your home, the more you will be able to demand for your home.  So, if you are thinking about selling your home, and just want to talk about it, give me a call.  I'd be happy to discuss your options.

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Aaron Jones

Cell: 712.320.9442

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Dixon Family Chiropractic

Dixon Family Chiropractic in Spirit Lake

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