How Is My Realtor Paid?

Like professionals in other sales-based industries, the Realtor pay structure is based largely on commissions derived from successful transactions. Here's how it works:

Seller's agent (or listing agent)
The sellers and their agent agree to a commission percentage, in which the agent’s payment is based on the final sale price. The amount will vary depending on the area and the agent.

Buyer's agent
At the close of the transaction, the seller's agent splits the predetermined commission with the buyer’s agent as compensation for delivering a buyer. This split is usually about half of the total commission.


For example, if a listing is listed with a 6% commission, the typical breakdown is 1.5% to the listing broker and 1.5% to the selling broker.  Then 1.5% to each agent.  Most brokers and agents spend a tremendous amount of money on marketing every year.  It takes a lot of money to sell a home.

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Aaron Jones

Cell: 712.320.9442

Will Kretsinger

Cell: 712.301.4040

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Dixon Family Chiropractic

Dixon Family Chiropractic in Spirit Lake

Dixon Family Chiropractic is a clinic located on Hwy 9, east of Walmart, next to Pizza Ranch and has convenient 6 days a week at 7:30 am, evenings and Saturdays. Formerly in the convenient health care building south of the 4 way stop in Spirit Lake, Wade and Adalee offer a friendly staff and professional services.

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Emerald Hills

Emerald Hills in Arnolds Park

Emerald Hills Golf Course is one of the premier golf courses in the Iowa Great Lakes. Golfers throughout Okoboji will tell you that compared to the rest of the golf courses around, Emerald Hills is probably the most challenging. When I grew up as a kid, we lived just a half block from the back side of the course. We would sneak on with a couple short little clubs and balls we found walking the course and sometimes spent more time being chased by the sprinklers than trying to hit golf balls. Emerald Hills was owned by Gordy and Bette Benit many years ago and they can be credited with growing this course into the masterpiece it has become. Later purchased by Randy Rohlfsen and a few others, Emerald has flourished as one of the best courses around. If memory serves me right, Randy has been there since the early 1990's and has always had a strong conviction to help young golfers. He has taught and coached numerous high school teams, and they also put on a 5 day junior camp every year which has been a tremendous hit. I grew up on this course and can honestly say, you better be hitting the ball straight!

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in Arnolds Park

"The Harbor"

The harbor is a man made inlet located on the north end of West Lake. A board walk surrounds the harbor and this is one of the most tranquil parts of the lake. Homeowners in the harbor have a more affordable way to have access to West Lake, and still get to enjoy the clean waters West Lake has to offer. Homes in the Harbor typically range from about $350k to as much as $700k.

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in West Lake Okoboji

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